Tax uncertainty in intercompany financing transactions
Transfer pricing Tax uncertainty in intercompany financing transactions
Whenever financing needs to be granted between associated companies, either belonging to a same group or associated by other criteria, tax authorities can challenge the interest rate as being too high, or too low, and accordingly calculate additional corporate income tax. Transfer pricing, free loans, transactions between associated companies, tax advisory.
Žygintas Starkus
| 4 min read |
Key Lithuanian tax changes as of 2022
Tax changes 2022 Key Lithuanian tax changes as of 2022
Key Lithuanian tax changes as of 2022. Changes in corporate taxation, payroll taxes, personal Income Tax, Tax for Environmental Pollution, Future tax reforms.
Tax laws changes affecting payroll, 2022
Tax changes 2022 Tax laws changes affecting payroll, 2022
Tax laws changes affecting payroll as of January 1, 2022. The minimum monthly salary is raised, changes in the formula for calculating the amount of tax-free income, changes in pension accumulation.

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