Grant Thornton Baltic has over 20 years of experience in determining the value of various asset groups with internationally accepted valuation methods. We have experience in valuation of different companies and various industries in Lithuania, the Baltic States and as well in other countries.
In strategically important decisions the management and owners do not only ask what the fair value of the company is, but also wish to get insight into the value drives of the company. Depending on the purpose of the valuations and specifics of the business, we perform valuations using the income approach (discounting the cash flows generated), market approach (selecting actual data in an active market), net assets method (determining the fair value of assets and obligations) or combining different methods.
We provide valuation services of different asset groups and the main services are:
- Companies and business lines
- Shares
- Financial instruments and contracts
- Commercial real estate
- Industrial property (warehouses, industrial buildings and factories)
- Infrastructure objects (water, heat and gas supply networks)
- Support in court and commercial disputes
- Other assets (i.e. property, plant and equipment)
To find out more about how our team can provide valuation advice, please contact us.
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