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In response to the COVID-19 crisis: advisory services

A time of crisis is a time for quick decisions. Our experts are fully aware of the most urgent needs of Lithuanian businesses at the time of the coronavirus outbreak. Here is how we can help.

Taxes / Social Security Contributions

>> Tax & Social Security payments deferral

Apply to tax authorities for tax deferral and repayment schedule, even if your business is not in the COVID-19 directly affected taxpayers.

>> Tax burden relief, tax incentives

Bolster liquidity with our assistance in the tax burden relief and tax incentives related assistance. This offering is also possible on a “success fee” basis, meaning that it will cost to you only if it will be successful and real tax savings will result. This offering is safe, as we systematically ask for tax authorities’ confirmation in writing and prepare a “defense file”. 

>> Transfer pricing advisory and compliance 

Disregarding COVID-19, on 15 June 2020 all companies with >3m EUR revenue and >90k EUR transactions with associated parties must have transfer pricing documentation for such transactions. Failure to do so can result in penalties to CEO of more than 1800 EUR and taxpayer being declared “unreliable”. Grant Thornton can help in ensuring an efficient compliance with the Lithuanian transfer pricing requirements.

Tax Expert
Vykintas Valiulis Contact us right now

Financial advisory contribution

>> Emergency cash flow management

Assisting for taking the grounded and fast cash flow decisions. Arranging and agreeing to various departments and partners on information flow arrangements to be able to see the current cash situation and most accurate forecast in rapid changing environment.

>> Financing solutions

Finding solutions for company financing needs, preparing the necessary documentation to company management and financiers. Participating in negotiations and brain-storming. 

>> Sales and cost modeling

Creating and evaluating the models for sales volume, price, cost, break-even forecasting, providing sensitivity analysis. Advising on practical implementation of modeling results. 

Finance Expert
Šarūnas Brazdžius Contact us right now


>> Labour law tools helpful at the time of the pandemic

Ongoing advice related to labour law, including remote work, sick leave, holiday entitlement, termination of employment contracts and collective redundancies or restructurings. 

>> Government subsidies for idle time during emergency or quarantine

Legal advice on complex rules set for subsidies for idle time, incl. partial idle time. Together with accounting and finance colleagues, we can also calculate which mode is optimal in your business’ situation.

Legal expert
Dovilė Boguševičienė Contact us right now